
WAKE UP call...or two!

Have you ever had one of those moments where reality slaps you in the face...really, really hard? Well, I had two. Let me share...
WAKE-UP CALL #1 - Steve and I shimmied down the aisle to the back of the plane, right side, by the window where I always sit. I sat down and began to put my seat belt on. I slid the buckle clear to the very end and proceeded to slide it in to the buckle. It didn't reach. I sucked in. It didn't reach. Still sucking in, I sit up nice and tall. It didn't reach. Sucking in, nice and tall, butt plowed into back of seat...still doesn't reach. I'm screaming (in my raspy holding-my-breath voice) while turnig blue, "Steve...help!!!" CLICK...exhale!!! 
WAKE-UP CALL #2 - We got home from our vacation in Portland/Seattle where we'd done LOTS of walking...up and down hilly streets...sometimes with a 2-year old on my shoulders and always with a 7-year old holding my hand. Anxious to see if we'd lost any weight after all of this exercise, we both climbed on the bathroom scale. Steve went first...okay...pretty much what we expected. I stepped on the scale carefully, making sure not to add that extra ".5" that shows up if you push too hard. That can't be right. I hop off. Try again...even more carefully than before. I WEIGH THREE POUNDS MORE THAN MY HUSBAND! Need I say more?
So how 'bout it friends? Have you ever had a wake-up call? For whatever reason? Let's share...and hopefully, along the way, we'll have a few laughs and maybe end up being a little bit better off than we were to begin with...


angiedunn said...

weighing more than your husband? yep...it's happened to me. needless to say, we don't have scale parties anymore. (:

i love you blogging. keep it up, girl.

ps: miss you.

•stephanie• said...

whoa! hold the phone.

i thought this here blog had a limit of one post per year . . .

having a husband who's lost around 50-60 pounds over the past couple of years, can we PLEASE not discuss this my weight/his weight thing.


Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!!! YaHOO are you back! I am elated!!!!
And yes I weigh more then my hubby and I can't wear his shirt as I am a large or X-large and he is a medium. I married a little guy!!!
Well I lost 15 lbs just walking lesli and really never watching what I eat.
I am finally since about Oct. or that is when I went off my hormones, out of MENOPAUSE!!!
thank God.

Keep up the good work of what you are doing and it will all work out!
Sure miss seeing you!

I will have your June and July cards for you at the SBE since July is 4th of July themed.

Karina said...

sounds like a very good reason not to step on the scales. I've always weighed more than my husband (he's a skinny litte guy)...back in the day, it was just by a few pounds, now I don't want to even think about it.

Now I feel bad about giving you a hard time for not updating your blog - sorry :(

ForeverSarahLee said...

Lol! Well all I can say is that at least it was only 3 pounds. I know I weighed way more than Matt, by far. Ugh! But I can understand your feeling a bit... Kinda like when my mom was wearing the same pant size as me. I'd always thought moms were supposed to weigh more, so that freaked me out. LoL!

Love you Les, glad to see a blog from ya hun! :o)